Queen Tourmaline Bead-woven Torsade Necklace
Queen Tourmaline Bead-woven Torsade Necklace
Long live the Queen of Tourmaline!
The Tourma-lineage:
~a mouth-wateringly juicy specimen of Pink Tourmaline* (over 2 1/2 inches long), displaying a smorgasbord of delicious color - tender raspberry pink, shocking hot pink, intense violet and bold ruby-red. Your eyes will feel all tingly as you stare into the translucent depths of chroma.
Her royal procession includes a bevy of wee Pink Tourmaline rondells marching along the bead-woven torsade of a thousand glass seed beads, flying the realm's glorious banner of hot pink, fuchsia, raspberry red, strawberry pink, violet and merlot.
The royal clasp holds court quite magnificently, duly encrusted with a generous offering of Swarovski Austrian Crystals of fuchsia, light rose and amethyst, whilst two Red Tourmaline marquise sparkle & wink from either side.
The Queen Tourmaline Necklace measures a collarbone kissing 23 inches.
~*A royally decadent confection*~
*(So-called "pink tourmaline" is actually a pink variety of Elbaite that has lithium (Li) as its main chromophore)
Feel Good!
(The Zodoac Moth Necklace in last picture is available from the Butterfly and Moth Collection section)